Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Fidgetal (or the revenge of the luddites).

Fidgetal - modern technology whose primary purpose is to give people something to do with their fingers.

A BBC magazine report says: “Technology, and the hype that surrounds it, is changing the way we speak. But we don't have to turn into drones, all spouting the latest i-word. Chris Bowlby says it's time for the techno-bullied to fight back with their own subversive speak.”

So, we witness the birth of anti-technological words: Here is a sample:

Wikisqueak - sound emitted by diplomat who realises she's sent confidential telegram without proper encryption

Dreadsheet - spreadsheet containing very bad financial news

Mobile drone - lover of interminable tedious and public phone conversations

Powerpointless - universal feeling in room at end of hi-tech executive presentation of negligible value

Read all about it