Friday, August 15, 2008

Oddest book title prize

Odd TitlesWe have just had a rather limp Booker of Bookers public vote. Now, get ready for the Diagram of Diagrams. This is from the website: 'In celebration of the 30th anniversary of The Diagram Prize for Oddest Title of the Year, The Bookseller has launched The Diagram of Diagrams -- a public vote to discover the oddest book title of the last 30 years.' The online vote can be located at the Bookseller website. The winner will be announced on Friday, 5thSeptember.

Diagram Group founder Bruce Robertson came up with the idea for the Diagram Prize in 1978 as a way to pass the time at a dreary Frankfurt Book Fair. The inaugural prize was won that year by: Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Nude Mice.

Last year's prize was won by: If You Want Closure In Your Relationship, Start With Your Legs.

Amongst our favourites:

  1. 1979: The Madam as Entrepreneur: Career Management in House Prostitution

  2. 1980: The Joy of Chickens

  3. 1983: The Theory of Lengthwise Rolling

  4. 1986: Oral Sadism and the Vegetarian Personality

  5. 1989: How to Shit in the Woods: An Environmentally Sound Approach to a Lost Art

  6. 1990: Lesbian Sadomasochism Safety Manual

  7. 1995: Reusing Old Graves

  8. 1996: Greek Rural Postmen and Their Cancellation Numbers

  9. 2002: Living With Crazy Buttocks

  10. 2004: Bombproof Your Horse

Read the whole list at The Bookseller website and vote.