Monday, July 02, 2007

Are book groups killing reading?

From The Herald.

That's an interesting one. We always thought bookclubs promoted reading. They got people to buy books, read them, discuss them with friends and elevate their conversations to a slightly higher level than television watchers. Of course, there are wide ranges of bookclubs, even in a small city like Kuala Lumpur. Some are gatherings of like minded friends meeting once a month to discuss something more interesting than the next contestant to be eliminated from American Idol (duhhh…), some focus on certain types of subjects the members would like to know about, then there are those exclusive by-recommendation-and-personal-invitation-only type, and many in between. All in all, bookclubs have had pretty good press.

Then came Oprah, and with her a host of others, and with them the bookclub went mainstream and became industry. It has now become another cynical marketing by giant publishers with huge resources. Now everyone who watches Oprah must have 'her' book on his/her shelf (in the living room presumably, where everyone can see the book) mostly unread. Yes, the question has been raised: does Oprah even read 'her' books, or does she base her choice purely on reviews done by her staff or, worse still, publishers' lobbies? I would pose the same question to Richard and Judy. According to the report, apart from the 'homogenisation of our reading culture' by reducing the choices available to the reader, it promotes one 'driven by social desperation more than by a love of literature'. It appears that reading is now more and more being dictated by a tiny minority. But still, there is the joy of sharing with friends a newly discovered obscure gem. We don't see this new kind of bookclub involving the TV, radio, the internet and the newspapers usurping the role of the less formal meetings at homes, in libraries and coffee houses.

The bookclub is dead. Long live the bookclub.

Full story:

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