Associate/Assistant Professor in Cultural Studies/Mass Communications and Media (for one post, a specialism in Film and/or Television Studies)
Contract Status: These full-time posts are available from 1 January 2012
Location: University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, Semenyih, Malaysia.
Responsible to: Director of Studies
Job Outline: Associate/Assistant Professor in Cultural Studies/Mass Communications and Media, with administrative and teaching duties. The person appointed is expected to be research active.
Main duties & responsibilities
Teaching, research and administration.
To teach and contribute to core modules in Cultural Studies/Mass Communications and Media Studies, (for one post, specifically in Film and Television Studies), and to supervise undergraduate and postgraduate dissertations.
Examining, invigilating at examinations, and generally assisting with the work of the School
Original research is regarded as an essential part of the person appointed. Time, duties and facilities are provided for this purpose.
To undertake a two-day Introductory Course on effective teaching and the PGCHE (Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education), if appropriate.
Any other duties appropriate to the grade and role of the person appointed.
This job description may be subject to revision following discussion with the person appointed and forms part of the contract of employment.
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Please note that applications sent directly to this email address will not be accepted. Applications must be sent direct to
Please quote ref. UNMC/SMLC/2011/1
The post
The Department is keen to consolidate and expand its coverage of Cultural studies, Mass Communications and Media Studies, Critical Theory, Film and Television Studies and Cultural History in ways that add to the current staff expertise so that it will be well-equipped to respond to the demands of the expanding undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes and meet the requirements of a developing and rapidly-expanding undergraduate population.
The successful candidate will hold a PhD degree, or equivalent qualification, and be a specialist in Cultural Studies or Mass Communications and Media Studies with a proven specialism in Film and Television Studies. Candidates will be expected to take a prominent role in the teaching of the International Communications Studies degrees at undergraduate level and to contribute to the teaching and further development of the MA degrees. Candidates will be expected to liaise with the Division of International Communications at the University of Nottingham in Ningbo, China, to assist in the planning and introduction of programmes in Cultural Studies on the University’s UK campus, and to undertake, when appropriate, supervision of postgraduate students in this important area. Candidates will also be expected to be actively involved in grant applications. Candidates will also be expected to have developed a research publishing career and to have firm research projects which will help develop the Department’s cultural studies research profile.
For a full person specification, please
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